The 168th edition of the Hardway Podcast is online! Join Jon Harder as he interviews TJ Marconi. “Mr. Good Times” of the Crusade for Change plugs the first ever cage match in Beyond Wrestling history this Sunday 5/31 at Fete Music in Providence, RI, as he, alongside Darius Carter, the Minute Men, and Dany Only, enters WAR GAMES against the Beyond Originals in the main event at The Real Thing! Jon, who knows the situation as close as anyone can when it comes to wars against Drew Cordeiro and Beyond, asks TJ the tough questions and they don’t hold back! Enjoy this look into War Games. #C4C! Follow TJ on Twitter at @TJMarconi!

Plus this week on the Hardway, Jon streams his opening on Periscope and records his take on the ROH/TNA/Destination America situation and why it reminds him of ECW getting kicked off on TNN in 2000 for the WWE! Jon then plays an Awesomely Bad Promo of Paul Heyman from ECW on TNN SHOOTING on the Network!

‘Stu Hart’ again calls out Jamal Jackson and proceeds to compliment Hatch Stevens while burying Cheyenne Ortiz at the same time!

As well, a clip airs from the Nick and Jon: “Live” in New Jersey podcast ( of the return of Brother Sizzle! Lastly, the Chairwoman of #HardwayHQ, “the Barb” makes an appearance, coughing up a storm!

#168 is up. Check it!
