The Hardcore BF Podcast has attempted an experiment. Ed Scanlon and Jon Harder have decided to review old school wrestling shows. They reviewed WWF Smackdown from February 1, 2001, or as many Attitude Era fans might remember it as, “Smackdown Xtreme”.

With Ed’s in-ring knowledge and Jon’s behind-the-scenes creative viewpoint, both men take a unique view at this show and critique it with back history, the matches, segments, and what happened afterwards. It is a sound listen.

Enjoy what the Hardcore BF brings to the table with this special review, and see how many Kurt Angle Gold Medals (the Hardcore BF ranking system) this show gets!


Matches on this show:
WWF Tag Team Titles – Tables Match: The Dudley Boyz © vs the Hardy Boyz
WWF Women’s Championship – Triple Threat Match: Ivory © vs Lita vs Jacqueline
Edge and Christian vs the APA
WWF Intercontinental Championship: Chris Jericho © vs Tazz
The Big Show vs “The One” Billy Gunn
First Ever First Blood Match on Network Television: Undertaker and Kane vs Rikishi and Haku
WWF Championship – Triple Threat Match: Kurt Angle © vs the Rock vs Triple H