The price of Bitcoin TANKED on Wednesday to less than half of the previous all time high after bad news on multiple fronts, an Ex-Marine orchestrated a massive pimping/drug empire in the Carolinas, a Russian man was strangled to death by his own wife’s ass, and much more…

(00:00:00) Timestamps Below

(00:07:29) Buzz #5 - Texas Abortion Lockdown

(00:08:09) Buzz #4 - January 6 “Commission” Bill passes the House but looks DOA in the Senate

(00:11:05) Buzz #3 - Demi Lovato is now a They/them

(00:11:55) Buzz #2 - RIP Paul Mooney

(00:12:29) Buzz #1 - Crypto Crash

(00:18:20) Ex-Marine runs a giant prostitution and drug ring

(00:24:48) Goodwill is complaining about getting Too Many donations

(00:34:04) TikTok International Moment - Including Prince acting like a psychopath, Crocodile Dundee mad about homeless people, and a Russian woman who killed her husband with her ass…

(00:39:55) Cicadas are being infected with party fungus that turns them into crotchless party zombies

(00:45:21) Back to the Russian woman that killed her husband using her ass.

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