Who was responsible for killing the Hugo Awards and mainstream Science Fiction Publishing?

Larry Correia is the New York Times best-selling author of the Monster Hunter International book series. He is responsible for dozens of best sellers, the man behind the SAD PUPPIES campaign that exposed the corruption controlling the once-prestigious Hugo awards. 

In this interview, Larry sits down to speak about his experience writing science fiction and how he broke the Hugo Awards and showed it for the scam it had become. How he got involved in a public rivalry with George R R Martin, and what he hopes or expects will be coming next for nerd culture.

Sponsored by Baen Books & Young Voices. CultureScape is the show that interviews the creators and influencers that built nerd culture.


Music by FAAS Sounds, Song: Best Time


Art & Editing by Peter Pischke

Interviews scheduled with the help of Sean Korsgaard

Assistance from Bobster: https://twitter.com/FilmBobster

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