Danny Meyer’s 2006 book, “Setting the Table” has been considered a must-read for anyone in the hospitality industry since it was published. But has the coronavirus pandemic highlighted some issues with a “customer is always right” mindset?

On this episode of the Happy Mouth podcast, chef Nyesha Arrington and restaurateur Philip Camino reflect on Meyer’s book and how times might have changed.

Listen to Philip and Nyesha discuss ‘Setting the Table’:

Danny Meyer wrote “Setting the Table” in 2006

“Setting the Table” is considered an industry-standard read

The book covers “enlightened hospitality,” which covers emotional intelligence, relationships, and an emphasis on customer satisfaction

Food & Wine writer John deBary penned an article where he questioned if it’s time to rethink that approach

The “customer is always right” approach has led to customer entitlement

While the coronavirus pandemic saw even more hostile behavior from customers, it was common enough beforehand

80% of restaurant workers say they’ve seen or experienced hostile behavior from customers

67% of workers say their tips have diminished by at least 50% compared to pre-pandemic times

With a worker shortage, it might be time to rethink the employee experience and how to handle difficult customers


Happy Mouth Podcast Instagram

Food & Wine - It is time to rethink Danny Meyer’s ‘Setting the Table’

Setting the Table: The Transforming Power of Hospitality in Business

Food & Wine - The customer is not always right

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