Happy day after Easter. Would you rather live an open life or a closed one? A Happy life or an angry one? A generous life or a stingy one? The choice is ours. We are the presidents of our life. When are we going to take care of our virus so we can open our lives up? COVID-19 isn't the only scary virus out there. Racism, hatred, panic, anger and bitterness are just a few viruses that will keep us quarantined and stop us from living an open life.


Don't forget to send us your "Yo Stevo"
Call us and leave a message at 425.200.4297 (HAYS) or
Email us at [email protected]

Here is the "Follow Through" episode I mentioned https://www.podomatic.com/podcasts/happylife/episodes/2016-03-28T06_00_00-07_00

The song we used in this episode is "Reset" by Mute Math

If you would like to help us spread some happy

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