This week’s podcast is a continuation of last week’s episode (Happy Wrong HL53) where I interviewed a hero and friend, Tony Piantine. We talked on the way from the airport, about what to do when suffering tries to steal our happy. In this episode, we continue on with that conversation and deal with another thief that may be even worse than suffering when it comes to stealing one’s happy. It’s a topic not many talk about. In fact, I've read that the less someone talks about it, the more they probably have it. This topic can be very dangerous, like black mold, and if it’s not dealt with correctly, it will do major damage. Much like black mold, most of the damage will be hidden inside and unseen to most and will ruin our happily ever after. This episode might just blow your mind as we talk about what the antidote of this happy thief really is.

We would like to thank James Kocian, who has written music for MTV, VH1, TLC and NBC to name a few, and now...wait for it...Happy Life Studios. How cool is that?!? Your music is a classy touch. Thanks for being a part of this Happy Life movement.

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