Happy Xur Solstice! Okay, I know it’s Summer Solstice and that joke didn’t even make sense, but when you get to chasing the Agent of…Continue readingXur Location for June 23-25

Happy Xur Solstice!

Okay, I know it’s Summer Solstice and that joke didn’t even make sense, but when you get to chasing the Agent of the Nine every week, you get a little loopy. So, here we are with some summertime iced tea and chasing Exotics. Let’s see what Xur has for us this week!

This weekend, Xur is hanging out in the Tower, with his buddy, the Speaker (presumably for one of the last times ever). Here’s what he has available to Guardians.

Peregrine Greaves (Titan legs) – 13 Strange Coins
Celestial Nighthawk (Hunter helmet) – 13 Strange Coins
Heart of the Praxic Fire (Warlock chest) – 13 Strange Coins
Monte Carlo (Auto rifle) – 23 Strange Coins
Legacy Engram (Body armour) – 29 Strange Coins

He also has these weapon bundles:

Monte Carlo and Royal Flush – 30 Strange Coins, 25 Silver Dust
Red Death and Steel Witch – 30 Strange Coins, 25 Silver Dust

Monte Carlo originated as a Playstation exclusive, and its featured power is that it grants quicker melee cool down. From what we’ve been reading, auto rifles may not be the #1 choice of all Guardians. Also, apparently, no one but me runs around punching everything. (After a long travel week, you can bet I’ll be doing that tonight!)

Thanks to the folks across the pond at The Sun for this week’s information.