As you may have heard on our last podcast, I am absolutely enamored if not slightly obsessed with the last of the raids from Destiny:…Continue readingWrath of the Cosplayer: Spartan Jenzii Creates Aksis

As you may have heard on our last podcast, I am absolutely enamored if not slightly obsessed with the last of the raids from Destiny: Wrath of the Machine. The Rise of Iron expansion ramped up everything in this far-off future of our world, and its accompanying raid does not disappoint. Throughout the epic cyberpunk event is Aksis, the Big Boss behind the Devil Splicers. This transformed Fallen can be best described in its own words…

“We are they who created themselves out of themselves and died in the creation. No longer merely the god in the machine, but the machine in the god. ~consume enhance replicate~ Here we rise, made equal at last to that which we worship. ~consume enhance replicate~”
When it comes to monsters, Archon Prime ranks alongside the Alien Queen as one of the most terrifying from science fiction. It would take a Guardian without fear to face such a boss, let alone try to cosplay it.
Meet Spartan Jenzii, a Guardian and cosplayer without fear.
With her experience in creating the fantastic, Spartan Jenzii (Jennifer) knew the supreme leader of the Splicers would be an incredible undertaking. She brings her story behind the cosplay to HHFTT…
“Aksis has to be one of my favorite characters in Destiny, the very first time I encountered him was love at first sight and that moment I knew that was going to be my next cosplay. I’ve been playing Destiny since Beta and I can’t wait for Destiny 2.“

“Aksis took me around 5 months to build. It was the most challenging cosplay I’ve ever encountered, especially when considering the size of the build, my height (5’2″), and how it will be put together. My only references were taking screenshots while playing the raid (which was difficult since I had to keep moving!) and art from the Grimoire and fans. My Aksis, Archon Prime Build, is made out of mainly EVA foam, Modelling Foam, fabrics, PVC, all painted with spray paints and primers. I use Revit to draw the templates and patterns to my size. Aksis had so much detail but I was to find I could scale it to my height.”

“My biggest challenges were the legs and tail, as they were the biggest part of the costume. I had to figure out a way to balance the legs without collapsing or falling, so I used little wheels and placed metal rods in between to separate them so they wouldn’t fall. The tail was really heavy, so I used metal profiles and brackets to prevent it from falling. It does move but it will prevent it from falling. Overall I am so excited that I took on Aksis. The costume is done,  all made by me including some of the lights in Aksis’ head and legs.”

If you find yourself in Australia, Spartan Jenzii will be presenting her Aksis, Archon Prime at Supanova this June! Take pictures, and tell Jenzii the HHFTT crew said “G’day, Guardian!”

Congratulations, Jennifer. This is cosplay on an epic scale!