As the guardians have seen, the Age of Triumph once again brings the Weekly Reset. What’s new for Nightfall Strikes, the Crucible, the featured raid…Continue readingWeekly Reset for June 6, 2017

As the guardians have seen, the Age of Triumph once again brings the Weekly Reset. What’s new for Nightfall Strikes, the Crucible, the featured raid and beyond? Let’s take a look!

It’s the Iron Banner! According to Bungie, Supremacy is this week’s challenge type. Victory rewards include the Iron Saga Mark (Titan Mark), Iron Saga Helmet, The Branded Lord (Fusion Rifle), and The Distant Star (Scout Rifle).

Weekly Nightfall

It’s everyone’s favorite eyeball, as the Weekly Nightfall brings back Sepiks Perfected, with Arc Burn. Modifiers include Ironclad, Catapult, and Exposure.


Ironclad increases the number of enemies with shields.
Catapult up the grenade recharge rate.
Exposure increases shields, but they do not replenish.

Heroic playlist modifiers

Void Burn, Berserk, Brawler.

Crucible playlists

Combined Arms.

Challenge of Elders

Airborne, Trickle, Super Kill Bonus.

Round 1: Wretched Knight (Hive)

Round 2: Keksis the Betrayed (Fallen)

Round 3: Overmind Minotaur (Vex)

Weekly featured raid

King’s Fall is this week’s featured raid. Good luck against Oryx.