Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo. So, yesterday I was all about Warlocks for the Dog Days of Advent as the word was “Heal” but  today’s…Continue readingThe Dog Days of Advent: “Mend”

Special thanks to Corbin J Drake for the photo.

So, yesterday I was all about Warlocks for the Dog Days of Advent as the word was “Heal” but  today’s word from AdventWord.org comes close to inspiring a repeat: Mend. The word for today is Mend.

I had to really think about this one.

This episode may seem a bit deep, perhaps questioning the intentions of the game designers and game developers of Destiny, but the ability to mend — and the need to do so throughout the game — is prevalent throughout Destiny 2. Get ready to go deep into your Guardian’s intentions in this Dog Days of Advent episode.

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Eyes up, Guardian!

Time to give up the Ghost.

Thanks for listening. 

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