Welcome to something new for the holidays — Fiction Friday! We’re presenting over the next consecutive Fridays this novella from Tee Morris, set in the…Continue readingFiction Friday: Omens, Parts 1 & 2

Welcome to something new for the holidays — Fiction Friday! We’re presenting over the next consecutive Fridays this novella from Tee Morris, set in the Destiny Universe. This is an original story set around Tee’s Guardians, serialized in podcast form and given to you as a gift celebrating Christmas, The Dawning (beginning December 19), and the New Year. Let Tee know what you think of this adventure into his vivid imagination at  703.791.1701 or podcast (at) happyhourfromthetower (dot) com. He’d love to hear from you!

00:00 — Introduction & Disclaimer

03:33 — Omens: Part One

18:59 — Promo: The Shared Desk

20:03 — Omens: Part Two


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for the show at 703.791.1701, or here at the blog.

We’ll talk about it!

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Eyes up, Guardian!

Time to give up the Ghost.

Thanks for listening.