So, did you read last week's TWAB? We did. And here's what we think...Continue readingEpisode #52: About that TWAB…

Yeah, there was a lot of chin-wagging about this particular This Week at Bungie (or TWAB, if you didn’t know but you should be reading it) where changes were announced…and completely turned the community on its ear.

So, naturally, the Fireteam assembled (like The Avengers, only without the budget for kickass special effects) and got on mic to talk about it.

Yeah, maybe a lot of other Guardians, streamers, and other podcasts talked about this already, but Episode #52 is a much-needed talk — light on the rant, heavy on the analysis, and a little longer than usual in the running time — of what Bungie is doing and how we don’t care for it. The reasons we give on what we don’t like about these changes might surprise you, or reaffirm your disappointment. We would love to hear from you on the topic so share your thoughts with us at 703.791.1701 or podcast (at) happyhourfromthetower (dot) com.

Make no mistake, Guardians — we’re still going to play. It’s just an unexpected change to the sandbox, with that feeling of sand being kicked in our faces. Thanks for joining us, and we will see you starside.

00:00 — Episode #052: About that TWAB… (Part One)

Okay, intros are out. Let’s jump right into the discussion.Special thanks to TD0013 for the inspiration behind the new drop-in.The May 16th edition of This Week at Bungie dropped…along with everyone’s jaws playing Destiny 2.What the hell is Nick on about with the Christmas lights?

Coming soon to the Season of Opulence…

So we are clear, we’re not planning a rant. Gladd already did that.Nick is pretty chill about this, but this is how you are when you only have one of the exotics nerfed.We begin with the weapons mentioned in TWABAce of Spaces (which is more about the One-Eyed Mask, we admit)Lord of WolvesSleeper Simulant…and saving the best for last — The Whisper of the WormIn this episode, we are including more of the interaction with the Channel Chat, as this is a topic that people have a lot of opinions on.Brandon on nerfing Ace of Spades (No!), Sleeper Simulant (oh, okay, he can see that…), and Lord of Wolves (No!) Obi now chimes in with a few points in how this nerfing is unfair.Tee just asks “If this is to make the Season of Opulence more of a challenge, why not make the Season of Opulence harder?” Going back to Brandon on WhisperLet’s talk about Armor…and how things just aren’t that super anymore.Tee laments over the Skull of Dire Ahamkara.How teamwork happens with exotic armorBrandon backs up Tee’s opinion on the armor nerfsChecking in with Chat on what Brandon and Tee are talking aboutThe challenges of game developmentSo who is to blame for all this stress? Well, Bungie is. They made some exotics too good. Maybe not the smoothest transition, but we are all kinds of wound up.

25:36 — Hangry Gamer Gear

26:22 — Episode #052: About that TWAB… (Part Two)

Hey, Coach, who’s watching a bootlegged Game of Thrones at your house, man?And the inappropriate jokes start to fly….Nick proposes a few hypotheticals to the FireteamHow do you solve a problem between the hardcore players and the casual players if one gun is unstoppable in game?Tee gives an opinion about the varying levels of players, and how Bungie is trying to equal the casual player’s experience to the regular player’s. If you have two Guardians of equal gameplay, is there one weapon that gives others an unfair advantage?Shouting out to The Big Marvinski, Jen Haring, and TeeBotHow game design & development by committee is not really a good thing.Nick continues with other hypotheticals…How should you as a game developer respond to those players who can solo “hard” missions?Obi goes into how hardcore players “crack the codes” of games, while Tee gives a little rant about “Pay to Play” and honors won but not earned.Please, Bungie, make Crown of Sorrows a challenge!Calling “shenanigans” on those who claim a challenge is too easy…And a shout out to iLulu for earning all the seals, but being okay to ask for help when she needed it.Does this nerfing feel different from the way Destiny 2 started?Obi and Tee agree on how this is not the same thing.All these quests have a purpose. Why is Bungie now saying “You’re too good now…” and nerfing these exotics.Is Bungie nerfing the armor and weapons in order to usher in new armor and weapons?For Brandon, this is an echo of frustrations from the original Destiny.

We are happy that Bungie is listening, but they can’t develop this game by committee.We are still going to play the game, make no mistake…Obi is triggered by nostalgia, apparently. Wrapping up…

Where to talk to the FireteamVOICEMAIL: 703.791.1701EMAIL: [email protected]: to find us online… Facebook Twitter Pinterest YouTube And here’s where to find us on PlayStation Network… Tee — TheTeeMonster Orion — Obi-Orion Brandon — Th3rmalw0lff Nick — Rev3Dood

Remember to leave us a comment or questions
for the show at 703.791.1701, or here at the blog.
We’ll talk about it!

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Eyes up, Guardian!
Time to give up the Ghost.
Thanks for listening. 

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