TODAY, the new Warmind expansion drops on May 8, and not only are we excited about it, so is our fearless leader of Current Meta: Danfinity.…Continue readingEpisode #036: All About Clans (with Special Guest, Danfinity!)

TODAY, the new Warmind expansion drops on May 8, and not only are we excited about it, so is our fearless leader of Current Meta: Danfinity.

Who is Danfinity, you ask?

Well, we are going to answer that question with this one-on-two chat (Yes, “two” as Nick is on a business trip at the time of this recording, so it’s just me and Brandon.) as we talk all about Clans and why they matter. We end with some hard talk about the Warmind which, at the time of the recording, was days away…

Now, it is a matter of hours.

Want to send some feedback to Danfinity or give us your thoughts on the Warmind DLC? Talk to us at 703.791.1701 or podcast (at) happyhourfromthetower (dot) com.

00:00 — Introduction

Sensing a theme again…
Man, B, that’s a serious resume you got there.
No, Nick, but check it out, Danfinity is on the line!  
Danfinity also goes by the nickname, The Collector. Here’s why…

2:52 — Episode #036: All About Clans (with Special Guest, Danfinity!)

Let’s get to know Dan and discover his journey…

Professor Broman served as Dan’s gateway.
Dan truly was tumbling through the void with Twitch.

Wait…what did he call this weapon?!

TeeMonster Rant INCOMING!!!!
And now, back to the interview…

When The Taken King and sword quests became available, Dan reached out to a random member of “Dads of Destiny” for help.
How a connection really happens
When Destiny 2 arrived, Dan had become an admin and a Raid sherpa. He was also ready to break out on his own.
Thus Current Meta was born.
In September 2016, Dan began to stream as an alternative to smoking.

Danfinity gives good interview!
What’s Dan’s Destiny Jam: THE RAIDS.
Why Tee can sometimes be a pain in the ass on Raids…

Current Meta is Danfinity’s Clan, but it is no longer his Clan.
Clan Engrams. Okay, here we go…

Tee HATES Clan Engrams.
And it turns out that Dan’s thoughts are very close to Tee’s own.
Dan reflects on his time with his time on the Destiny Tracker Podcast.
What could make Clan Engrams more unique? We got ideas.

Shout out to Vault of Sass!
Enthusiasm is contagious.
KILLER FIRST HALF…and we got more to come!

19:54 — Washington Metropolitan Gamer Symphony Orchestra

20:35 — Episode #036: All About Clans (with Special Guest, Danfinity! — Part Two)

Putting Dan under the interrogation lamp…
Wacky Clan Names FTW!
What makes Current Meta’s reputation what it is.

Current Meta was all the talk on 3vil_Aura’s stream.
Tee, Brandon, it’s not always about you.
How Gaming Nerds became Legend? A lot of hard work.

So you want to join Current Meta? Here’s what you do…

Play D2.
Get on Discord.

“Discord is Facebook for Streamers.” — Danfinity
Some other ways to check on players’ activity

Destiny Clan Warfare
D2 Checklist

A shout out to Bibbletron!
Another secret in creating a successful Clan: Maintenance.
A big factor in making Clans work: Positive attitudes.
Why podcasters make great guests on other podcasts
Tee is still noodling through Dan’s earlier quote about Discord.
Right, so we’ve covered Clans. What else is Dan up to?

Sidequest Sunday
It was originally focused on content creators in the Destiny community, but Dan is now reaching out to people outside of the Cosmodrome.
Dan gives his listeners a sampler of what creative people can offer.

How easy was it to go from streaming to podcasting?

It was all baby steps, starting with a Playstation camera.
Slowly, Dan started to build, until he was actually BUILDING. A COMPUTER.
It was RocCityRoller who got him building his own Dream Stream Machine.
And then after getting his stream up and running, he focused on Sidequest Sunday.

Switching gears again…let’s talk about the Warmind DLC.

Brandon calls out the typo in Tee’s email.
Making expectations realistic…or absolutely NO expectations.
How Private Matches are going to affect the Clan
Looking forward to the Lore Dive

Let’s nerd out over comic books!

Have you seen the Warmind comic from Bungie?
So who is Mark Wade? Well now, Dan will tell you…
Nick is kicking himself right now.

Watching people return to Destiny 2…kinda nice.
Where to find Dan…

Danfinitwitch on Twitter
Danfinitwitch on Instagram
Twitch, of course.
Sidequest Sunday on Twitter
Sidequest Sunday on Instagram
Sidequest Sunday, the website (with Contact Info)

Where you can reach out to us!

Voicemail/WhatsApp — 703.791.1701
Email — podcast (at) happyhourfromthetower (dot) com
Or leave us a comment on the blog!

Some last minute thoughts…

We have got to hit the new Raid Lair
TONIGHT — Tee returns to Twitch!
Angela’s GoFundMe and TD0013’s Etsy Store — check them out!
You remember TeeDee, of course…

Where to find us online…

…and Twitch.

And here’s where to find us on PlayStation Network…

Tee — TheTeeMonster
Orion — Obi-Orion
Brandon — Th3rmalw0lff
Nick — Rev3Dood

Remember to leave us a comment or questions

for the show at 703.791.1701, or here at the blog.

We’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find the show on iTunesStitcher, and Google Play!

Subscribe, listen, and drop us a review.

Eyes up, Guardian!

Time to give up the Ghost.

Thanks for listening. 

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