When the guys at the Tower wrapped their interview with the voices behind Amanda Holliday and Field Commander Sloan, they figure it would be a…Continue readingEpisode #029: An Interview with Joy Osmanski (Failsafe)

When the guys at the Tower wrapped their interview with the voices behind Amanda Holliday and Field Commander Sloan, they figure it would be a stretch before they got the opportunity to interview any more of the talented voice cast behind Destiny 2.

Then Nick started sending out emails, and someone replied “Sure!”

Guardians, you are going to want to sit down for this one. Check out who’s paying a visit to the Tower…

Tee, nick, and Brandon open up the mics for one of the newest voices in the Destiny-verse as well as someone brand new to video game voice acting. It’s the multi-talented Joy Osmanski (Failsafe), making herself right at home in a community that welcomed the dual-personality A.I. with open arms and rave reviews. Joy gave a voice and a personality to the wise-cracking computer that, the guys argue, walked away with some of the funnier lines in the game; and now, the actress known for appearances on Grey’s Anatomy, Castle, and Santa Clarita Diet, finds herself much like Failsafe: in alien territory.

Remember, Guardians, to leave us (and Joy) your feedback at 703.791.1701 or podcast (at) happyhourfromthetower (dot) com. We’d love to hear from you! So would Failsafe. And Failsafe, as well.

00:00 — Introduction

#TitanTuesday on Tee’s morning Twitch broadcasts (archived here on YouTube) are opening his eyes at the appeal of the class.
The guys giggle at new drop-in’s Tee picked for the show.
Picking up a theme in the drop-in’s.
No time for the pre-show shenanigans as we have a special guest on the mic…

1:43 — Episode #029: An Interview with Joy Osmanski (Failsafe)

Hold on. Joy is nervous about being on this show?
So, first question about Joy’s experience with video game voiceovers…

Wait — this is Joy’s first go-round in video game voice acting?!
Mad props to Destiny 2 Voice Director Kevin McMullan.
So, it wasn’t how she prepped for this, so much as she just took a leap of faith.
The Guardians offer their services for Joy as sherpas.

Nathan Fillion was the comic relief…until you reach Nessus. What is the inspiration behind the performance in Failsafe?
The line between Joy and Failsafe is a thin one.
The solitude of voice acting (Come on, cons — get Joy out to some of these conventions!)
For a computer, Joy brings a lot of emotion to your performance, especially the “O Captain” quest. (SPOILER ALERT!) As an actor, how does Joy bring emotion to a character that is a computer?
More mad props to Kevin.
Failsafe joins an exclusive club of A.I. Illuminaries…
Other jobs that Failsafe could do between her Destiny 2 and DLC gigs.
Joy’s reaction to the end result, but hey — she still has not seen the whole plotline. Might we suggest on YouTube…
The Guardians are determined to help this self-proclaimed luddite deeper into this world.
When running with the guys in D2, remember this rule: NO TALKING WHEN FAILSAFE TALKS.

15:35 —  Headshots

17:11 —Episode#029: An Interview with Joy Osmanski (continued)

What a rejoiner!
And Tee calls out Courtnay and Cissy. So it begins.
More on Joy Osmanski and her acting chops

This podcast is now officially one degree from Kevin Bacon.
How do you get a career like Joy’s? Two words come to mind…
There’s a LOT to Joy Osmanski.
Where Joy finds her passion as an actor…

Nerding out over the Stage Theatre lifestyle
So let’s talk about Cayde…

Is Nathan Fillion professionally stalking Joy?
Joy may not be a Guardian..but she is a Browncoat!
When an actress’ talents are challenged

Will Failsafe be hitting the tour circuit anytime soon? (She’s ready!)
Big shout-out to Courtnay and Cissy who would make great con sherpas for Joy.
What other projects are coming up for Joy?

Santa Clarita Diet
The Fosters
Showing the love for Netflix…
…and for The Fosters.
And she’s not slowing down anytime soon.

Where you can find Joy online?


How about your thoughts on this sit down with Joy? Don’t be shy…

Voicemail/WhatsApp — 703.791.1701
Email — podcast (at) happyhourfromthetower (dot) com

Where to find us online…

Pinterest (No, really, Pinterest!)
…and Twitch, featuring Tee and Brandon

And here’s where to find us on PlayStation Network…

Tee — TheTeeMonster
Orion — Obi-Orion
Brandon — Th3rmalw0lff
Nick — Rev3Dood

Remember to leave us a comment or questions

for the show at 703.791.1701, or here at the blog.

We’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find the show on iTunesStitcher, and Google Play!

Subscribe, listen, and drop us a review.

Eyes up, Guardian!

Time to give up the Ghost.

Thanks for listening. 

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