Welcome to the New Year, Guardians, and December has been quite an end to an amazing year with Bungie! First, on December 5th, Bungie released…Continue readingEpisode #027: A Review of Curse of Osiris and The Dawning

Welcome to the New Year, Guardians, and December has been quite an end to an amazing year with Bungie!

First, on December 5th, Bungie released Destiny 2’s first DLC, The Curse of Osiris.
Then, on December 19th, The Dawning began!
Meanwhile Tee launched the Dog Days of Advent here on the podcast feed…
…along with his original novella, Omens, as part of a Fiction Friday special!

So, yeah, December belonged to Destiny.

On today’s episode, the Guardians take a look at Curse of Osiris and The Dawning. What did they like? What did they think could have gone better? What are they looking forward to in 2018? Share with us your thoughts at 703-791-1701 or drop them a line at podcast (at) happyhourfromthetower (dot) com!  

00:00 — Introduction

Happy New Year, Guardians!!!
Wouldn’t it be great if we got Courtenay Taylor and Cissy Jones on the show? One day…
Michi gives great drop-in!

2:04 — Episode #027: A Review of Curse of Osiris and The Dawning

We’re looking back at the fun that some of us are having in Curse of Osiris and The Dawning

Wait, Brandon is playing other games?
Who let Tommy Weiseau
Amanda Is actually a backseat driver.
And Tee dates himself.

A look at the Curse of Osiris

Brandon finished the storyline in a day.
The Infinite Forest? Not his thing.
Nick loves watching Nerd Tennis. (WAY MORE than Brother Vance!)
Past, Present, or Future Vex — What’s your jam?

Have you read Fall of Osiris yet? Sadly, Nick has been reading other comics…
Showing some serious voice talent love!

Morena Baccarin (Firefly, Deadpool)
Oded Fehr (The Mummy and Resident Evil films)
Wouldn’t it be great if we got Courtenay Taylor on the show? #SLAMANDA 

Favorite moments of Curse of Osiris

The ending. Just wonderful.
Nick and Brandon loved the Osiris “Echoes” guiding you through the DLC.
Major props to the score. (When’s that coming out?)

Feathers are all the rage in armor!
The epic Public Event of Mercury…featuring #twotokensandablue.
Forge Weapons — the offerings from Brother Vance

Tee loves the look of the Forge Weapons, but their performance needs work.
Brandon would debate Tee on the point, but…
Shameless plug for the podcast’s Twitch stream!

Nick and Tee are digging the Crimson. (Not a Forge weapon, we know…)
On Exotic Emotes…dammit, Tee still hasn’t got the Selfie emote!!!

16:16 — Game Stop at Innovation Center (Manassas, VA)

16:56 — Episode #027: A Review of Curse of Osiris and The Dawning (Part Two)

Tee does love the new seat from OP Seat.
Nick has the Selfie emote. Dammit.
Big thank you to special guests for the Dog Days of Advent, from the creators of the Dog Days of Podcasting.
The Dawning 2017

Brandon is very happy with the new exchange rate for armor pieces.
What do you mean there is nothing to do in Destiny? 
Serious snowball love!
The Genesis Mind cannot handle the snowball.

On account of The Dawning’s Gift Exchange, Nick is now using as his Power weapon a sword. (Wait. What?)
Masterwork Upgrades

A few basics
The benefits of re-rolling Masterwork weapons
Brandon goes into more details on the reasons behind rerolling Masterworks and Hunter strategies.

The Dawning has been a blast!
Xur’s upgrade — what do we know about it?
Tee prefers the “Boons” over the new and improved Three of Coins.

30:36 — Selfie of the Show

It’s December 23rd. Tee’s on Titan, running his Hunter…when another Hunter spawns next to him…
He poses for a selfie…
…and a few seconds later, Tee receives this:

Destiny 2_20171223012752

VONKLINGADING — you are HHFTT’s Selfie of the Show!
Have you got a selfie with your Fireteam or a rando Guardian? Send it in to us! We will feature it as our “Selfie of the Show” and give you a shout-out on the show!
Wrapping up the show as we have a lot to do on Mercury now…
Hope you all are digging Fiction Friday — there’s more to come!!!
Want to send in your thoughts on the show?

Voicemail/WhatsApp — 703.791.1701
Email — podcast (at) happyhourfromthetower (dot) com

Where to find us online…

Pinterest (No, really, Pinterest!)
…and Twitch, featuring Tee and Brandon

And here’s where to find us on PlayStation Network…

Tee — TheTeeMonster
Orion — Obi-Orion
Brandon — Th3rmalw0lff
Nick — Rev3Dood

Remember to leave us a comment or questions

for the show at 703.791.1701, or here at the blog.

We’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find the show on iTunesStitcher, and Google Play!

Subscribe, listen, and drop us a review.

Eyes up, Guardian!

Time to give up the Ghost.

Thanks for listening. 

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