Two weeks ago, we were saying “What. A. Week.” in response to an amazing first look at the upcoming Curse of Osiris expansion, going live…Continue readingEpisode #025: Bungie’s Recovery

Two weeks ago, we were saying “What. A. Week.” in response to an amazing first look at the upcoming Curse of Osiris expansion, going live today at approximately  1 p.m. EST.

That was before the #TwoTokensAndABlue hiccup on Twitch…

Watch the entire Curse of Osiris Reveal #2 from November 21st from Bungie on

…and before the XP debacle discovered by Destiny players and reported on Reddit.

“What. A. Week.” indeed.

The Guardians gather round the mics to discuss the trip-up’s and unexpected revelations befalling Bungie, their blogpost, their podcast, and their new direction. And we invite you to chime in. Send in your feedback at 703.791.1701 or podcast (at) happyhourfromthetower (dot) com. We’d love to hear from you!

00:00 — Introduction

We got the band back together!
Brandon, speak into the microphone.
Oh, if you could have heard the shenanigans before we went hot…
We got a lot to talk about, so let’s dive in.

1:19 — Episode #025: Bungie’s Recovery (Part One: What the F@&k Happened?!)

What a week for Destiny

They were coming off a really good high with their first Curse of Osiris reveal.
We’re hiding our disappointment with snark.
…but then, #TwoTokensAndABlue happened. (Hit “Play” in the clip above.)
And then, a few days later, Destiny 2 players revealed on Reddit a kerfuffle with XP Gains, something Bungie failed to mention in previous hot fixes.

Ron states what hardcore gamers have been dreading: Destiny 2 is no longer geared for them.
Brandon, you’re featured IN Podcasting for Dummies. Speak INTO the microphone!
Nick asks “Who is the intended audience for Destiny 2?”
But was this XP problem really hidden? Ron doesn’t think so.
The XP requirement was a bit much.
Was Bungie trying to be deceptive about their changes in Destiny 2? As Tee has said in his stream, Bungie means well but they are trying to make everyone happy. Can they?
Direct your ire away from Deej. This isn’t his fault. Think of him as The Speaker.
The bigger question: Didn’t anyone at Bungie think how this would go over?

16:49 — TGGeeks

17:25 — Episode #025: Bungie’s Recovery (Part Two: Bungie Responds to the Critics and Criticisms)

Bungie’s bad week went addressed in both a blogpost and a podcast.

Tee takes issue…with the podcast. Not with what was said in the podcast. No, the podcast itself.
Nick with the recovery.
Bungie appearing deceptive could not have happened at a worse time…

Lumping Bungie and EA Games in the same category is unfair to Bungie.
Bungie: “Great. We’ve just pissed off our loyal fanbase in the worst possible way. We can’t picture any other game developer screwing up this badly.”

EA Games: “Hold my beer.”
Ron is concerned that Tee’s ire over the Destiny podcast prevented him from hitting the plug bell. (Not to worry. Tee was on it.)
Could fatherhood have played a factor into last week? (Congrats, Cosmo!)
Are the changes promised in upcoming Hot Fixes for Destiny 2 truly steps forward, or steps backward?

How much of what is “broken” is the fault of the vocal minority?
Again, we ask if Bungie can please everyone?
ONE UNIVERSAL TRUTH: Destiny 2 is not for the solo player.
Thoughts on Clarion’s Call

Bungie takes a stand: Game Development is hard.

Is Bungie making themselves out to being the victim?
Watch the closing credits, and then make the claim “This is an easy fix.”
The sympathy falls short in the song-and-dance at the beginning of the podcast.
When a single fusion rifle shot yields better rewards than a full-on Public Event

Bungie does admit in the latter-half of the podcast they should have handled the XP issue better.
Lot of promises for December — can Bungie deliver?
Concerning Ranked Crucible

Being the hardcore gamer, the Guardians turn to Brandon for opinions.
Brandon talks Overwatch and the competitive angle there.
Tee rallies for his fellow Guardian.
Ron is concerned about people bailing from Matchmaking which segues into a discussion over the new Quitter Penalties being proposed.
Delving into the Competitive Mind

If you don’t have fun playing Destiny 2, here’s a thought: play something else!
Hey, Deej: Thank you.
Will Bungie deliver on their promises?
Okay, so, what is up with this Dog Days of Advent?

Tee’s doing a podcast within the podcast.
The themes talked about are coming from
And we might even have a special guest or two joining us…

How about your thoughts on what we’ve covered in today’s episode? Don’t be shy…

Voicemail/WhatsApp — 703.791.1701
Email — podcast (at) happyhourfromthetower (dot) com

Where to find us online…

Pinterest (No, really, Pinterest!)
And now, YouTube!

And here’s where to find us on PlayStation Network…

Tee — TheTeeMonster
Orion — Obi-Orion
Brandon — Th3rmalw0lff
Nick — Rev3Dood

Remember to leave us a comment or questions

for the show at 703.791.1701, or here at the blog.

We’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find the show on iTunesStitcher, and Google Play!

Subscribe, listen, and drop us a review.

Eyes up, Guardian!

Time to give up the Ghost.

Thanks for listening. 

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