First off, if anyone was curious as to whether or not Tee has cancelled his early-morning Twitch stream, he has not. He has been on-the-go…Continue readingEpisode #023: An Interview with KMagic101

First off, if anyone was curious as to whether or not Tee has cancelled his early-morning Twitch stream, he has not. He has been on-the-go since returning from the P.I.Y. 2017 Event and should be back to his usual gaming schedule soon!

Second, we got a new episode and we are featuring the multi-talented, multi-faceted gamer, KMagic101, who has a lot to talk about with Destiny, with Twitch, with content creation, and — when Nick steps in — with sports. Enjoy the listen and the laughs we enjoy with Kevin as we spend some quality time with this exceptional streamer.

Got questions for the Guardians? Send in your feedback at 703.791.1701 or podcast (at) happyhourfromthetower (dot) com. We’d love to hear from you!

0:00 — Introduction

Why is Cayde worried about us recording something? We’re podcasters. We always record stuff!
If this is a Destiny podcast, why is our guest’s drop-in from Call of Duty?
We’re not creepy. Honest.

3:13 — Episode #023: An Interview with KMagic101

How the KMagic101 channel evolved into a channel that approaches games in a certain way.
Tee Morris is the gateway drug to podcasting, and he’s okay with plugging his own book during someone else’s interview.
Kevin is also a podcaster, but the podcast and the Twitch stream work together to equate success for him.
Podcasting: The Crack of Social Media. Betcha just can’t host for one!
And Brandon brings the snark in early.
Kevin was lucky enough to play the Destiny Alpha…and he hated it.
Then the Destiny Beta came out, and the Rabbit Hole opened wide for Kevin.
How many games have you ever heard were referred to as “life changing” for players, but Destiny is that kind of game.
Concerning Destiny 2, casual gamers verses hardcore gamers, and the business of video games
It’s a hard return to PlayStation after the PC version.
Tee’s got some serious nerd lingo to look up during the break…

16 :55 — The TGGeeks 

17:31 — Episode #023: An Interview with KMagic101 (Part 2)

How an event like SweatFest evolved into a massive yearly event called GuardianCon

Quick shout-out for the Tampa Bay Alehouse who were the original hosts
On account of expectations, they are moving to the Tampa Bay Convention Center
Prepare for hugs

GuardianCon, St Jude’s Children’s Hospital, and Play Live: Using gaming powers for good!
Where to find GuardianCon on Twitch
How you can host your own charity stream? GuardianCon has made it easy for you!
You want to know how tough it is to find a deodorant sponsor for a convention?
The most rewarding aspect of putting on an event like GuardianCon…
Nick takes a moment to talk about Football, but both of them go wide. Tee and Brandon just hold on and watch the two sports nerds nerd out even harder.

29:48 — Destiny in the News

Tee is struggling to get the episode back on track…
FIRST NEWS ITEM: Friend of the show, ZGPhoto, has made “Partner” on Twitch! FINALLY!!!
SECOND NEWS ITEM: We would have loved to celebrate with Zack, but there was problem yesterday at Comcast…
THIRD NEWS ITEM: Hey, PC Users, Patch needs to be downloaded. (And we wonder how long Brandon was sitting on that pun.)

FIFTH NEWS ITEM: Deaf Fireteam completes the Leviathan Raid
Where can people find Kevin online:

…and he’s got an Instagram, but he knows not the ways of the ‘Gram.

Wrapping up the interview. See you in a few weeks!

Remember to leave us a comment or questions

for the show at 703.791.1701, or here at the blog.

We’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find the show on iTunesStitcher, and Google Play!

Subscribe, listen, and drop us a review.

Eyes up, Guardian!

Time to give up the Ghost.

Thanks for listening. 

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