We may be going long on this episode of Happy Hour from the Tower because last week, our own TeeMonster headed into the belly of the beast…Continue readingEpisode #021: A Leviathan Raid Review

We may be going long on this episode of Happy Hour from the Tower because last week, our own TeeMonster headed into the belly of the beast with Lulusoccer and pulled off a raid.

Yes, Tee successfully survived the Leviathan!

While Nick has questions and Brandon tries on various shades of green, the guys shadow-step with Tee through the first raid of Destiny 2. In the second half of the show, we also look at a conversation floating through the Destiny community about the state of the game after its first month. Does it have staying power? Hear what the guys have to say on that.

Got questions for the Guardians? Send in your feedback at 703.791.1701 or podcast (at) happyhourfromthetower (dot) com. We’d love to hear from you!

0:00 — Introduction

Showing a little love for Failsafe, our new favorite NPC.
Tee admits how Peter Dinklage would not work as the voice of your Ghost in Destiny 2.
Congratulations, Dead Orbit…you freakin’ Space Goths.

3:14 — Episode #021: A Leviathan Raid Review

Congratulations all around.
Wait, did Brandon do something that is more on par with Tee’s approach to Destiny?
Tee’s adventure alongside LuluSoccer in the Leviathan Raid

You can see the Raid as Lulu saw it (start at 18:40) or from Tee’s perspective (start at 2:23:00, if YouTube doesn’t take you there first)
And Undead Phoenix asks the question Tee’s running mates have asked often…
A humbling factor: The Twitch Community, both with Lulu and ZGPhoto

Tee’s Early Morning Twitch Stream — it’s a thing now!
So let’s talk about that Leviathan Raid…

Tee felt pretty good about the Raid. The follow up was when he freaked out.
Running time for the Leviathan? Somewhere in the two-three hour window.
The Baths: One minor hiccup reminiscent of Monty Python, but then Tee was solid.
The Gauntlet: Wait, you want me to do what?!

Run, Barry. Run!
And Tee’s heart rate was up going into the Boss Battle.

The Thorne Room: Tee’s Chariots of Fire Moment
The Grinder: This was Tee’s traumatic moment…and the Raid was already done! 

Why Tee was completely blown away by the Leviathan

The team dynamic
The fault in Bungie’s Guided Games
Brandon doesn’t get Trolly McTroll, but they are out there.
Fortunately, trolls are in the minority in the Destiny community

18:03 — The P.I.Y. Workshop 2017, presented by Tee Morris & Chuck Tomasi of Podcasting for Dummies, 3rd Edition

18:43 — Episode #021: A Leviathan Raid Review (Part 2)

Seriously? Tee was the first in the Clan to do it?
If you are looking for Raid tips and more, check out…

…and other great Twitch streamers, many of which will be at GuardianCon 2018!

The Throne Room Battle

SPOILER ALERT!!! (Fast forward to 21:35 to avoid any spoilers from the Raid’s finale.)
Who is Emperor Calus?

How do you start the boss fight? It’s pretty cool.
A very clever touch of storytelling. Well done, Bungie.
Nick Kelly, everyone. Don’t forget to tip your servers…

The Leviathan in a Nutshell: The mechanics of King’s Fall with the pace of Wrath of the Machine

22:48 — Guardian Feedback

Quick aside, check out Nick’s new threads from Bungie…

Tee came across a comment from the Bungie’s Destiny 2: The Community Group on Facebook

A “casual gamer” cries “Foul!” on the more difficult challenges of Destiny 2
Destiny Power Player Datto shares his own thoughts.
New hashtag: #LootPinata

So here are a few thoughts from us…

The new mechanics do make things easier for a casual audience because this is a business.
This is reminiscent of SMOFs whining about new fans at conventions.
“Casual Gamers” are not always a bad thing.
3vil_Aura has voiced concern about the game already being over and done, but is that fair considering the level of gamer that he is?
The disconnect with Tee and Brandon: In Destiny 2, there is always something to do! The grind is in the design, and it is fun!

We have all played Destiny 2 in this first month of the game as opposed to the last six months with Destiny for various reasons.
Tee and nick are not cool with the new “participation trophies” in Destiny 2, as Datto commented on.
Hey, Michi — we need to pair up Turtle Jr. with Thermal…
There is just as much to do for casual gamers as there is for the higher level players.
Nick’s biggest aggravation: Asher Mir. (He’s a jerk.)
Hey — we got our first review on iTunes!!!
And here’s your dose of Guardian Goofiness until the next show…

Holy Hannah in a Hovercraft, that was fun! What did you think?

Email — podcast (at) happyhourfromthetower (dot) com
Voicemail — 703.791.1701

Brandon is counting down to Destiny 2’s Iron Banner! DAT ARMOR, DOH…
See you in two weeks!

Remember to leave us a comment or questions

for the show at 703.791.1701, or here at the blog.

We’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find the show on iTunesStitcher, and Google Play!

Subscribe, listen, and drop us a review.

Eyes up, Guardian!

Time to give up the Ghost.

Thanks for listening.