Our episode begins with the presentation of a PS4 to Nick Kelly, He’s now able to play alongside Brandon, Tee, and Ron…but not before…Continue readingEpisode #009: Nick’s Master Plan


Our episode begins with the presentation of a PS4 to Nick Kelly, He’s now able to play alongside Brandon, Tee, and Ron…but not before he gets his numbers up to snuff.

So…Nick’s got a blank canvas in front of him. What now?

Sound off, Guardians! Do you spark it in Destiny or do you troll? Talk to us at 703.791.1701 (reachable through WhatsApp) or podcast (at) happyhourfromthetower (dot) com. We’d love to hear from you!

00:00 — Introduction

Tee is getting his Heath Ledger on…
Ron reminds Nick of Shepherd Book from Firefly…and you know, he’s got a point.
When Ron gives advice in game, it’s tough love.
Shout out to +2 Charisma who made us these wicked-cool glasses for our podcast!

And suddenly we get plug heavy…

Fanboy Glass
Geek Wolfpack Podcast
Loot Crate
Anyone else? No?

3:52 — Nick’s Master Plan

If you ever wondered what makes for bad audio…
Tee presents Nick with a non-gift because, well, Nick’s purchased Tee’s old PS4.
Does anyone need a LAN Cable? How about a toe?
Nick’s beginning a band new adventure on his household’s second PS4.
Now, a breakdown on where to find us all…

Tee — TheTeeMonster
Orion — Obi-Orion
Brandon — Th3rmalw0lff
Nick — Rev3Dood

Ron puts down an ultimatum about The Crucible.
Music tangent, featuring composer Blake Neely on Twitter
The question to Nick: Are you going to spark it, or are you going to troll it?
One advantage of trolling to 40: Experiencing the Cinematics. Again.
Making a connection that takes Tee completely off-guard…

13:43 — Headshots

15:19 — Nick’s Master Plan (Part Two)

Coach makes everybody happy.
Ron’s definition of trolling in Destiny…and it’s eeeeeevil.
Other oddities of Destiny…
Anyone need a LAN cable?
Another way Nick can organically troll: His Grimoire.
And there goes Tee, breaking the Fourth Wall.
Advantages of working through levels, and what Nick can’t do presently (a/k/a pining for Archon’s Forge).
Waxing nostalgic. It’s what you do…
Quick shout out to Subifan05 who represented Guardians with respect at AwesomeCon!

Share with us your stories on how you decide to start over…

Voicemail — 703.791.1701
Email — podcast (at) happyhourfromthetower (dot) com

Where to find us online…

Pinterest (No, really, Pinterest!)

Remember to leave us a comment or questions

for the show at 703.791.1701, or here at the blog.

We’ll talk about it!

And remember, you can find the show on iTunesStitcher, and Google Play!

Subscribe, listen, and review.

Eyes up, Guardian!

Time to give up the Ghost.

Thanks for listening. 


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