The secret to self-confidence is not what you think.
Have you ever said these words to yourself?
"I would love to [blank] but I wish I had more confidence."
But how do you build that confidence if you don't DO the thing you are wanting to be more self-confident with?
It's a helluva loop to get stuck in.
Do you know that the word confidence comes from the Latin word 'fidere'?
Guess what that means?
To Trust.
So self-confidence means to have trust in oneself.
Here's what that CAN move forward in just gotta TRUST.
You don't need to wait until you get to a certain weight, you don't need more money, you don't need ANYTHING but faith in yourself.
Be your biggest cheerleader.
And watch your self-confidence grow.
Want to go deeper on this topic and learn some action steps you can take?

Check out this week's episode!