You know that feeling of complete STRESS when you have a million things to do?   What if you could start getting rid of that?   It's simpler than you think...   Look at what needs to be done.   Most of what you do is actually pretty repetitive.   If you don't believe that, write down what you do everyday and come back to me.   So for the most part, you know what to expect.   Move anything you can to BEFORE it needs to absolutely be completed.   Yes it still takes the SAME amount of time.   But you know what's different?   Your stress level. Your emotions.   Also, when it's go time, odds are something will go wrong, but because you now have LESS things to do in that moment, you can handle it better.   Super simple example....prepping your breakfast the night before.   Same time is spent.   But now when you wake up and your brain is not fully functioning yet and you have a kid that needs help getting ready and your dogs need to be let out etc, guess what?   You won't miss out on breakfast.   By not missing out on breakfast, you won't find yourself stuffing a stale donut in your mouth when you get to the office.   You won't be starving at lunch and grab whatever because you just NEED to eat.   The five minutes you spent the night before will completely change the dynamic of your next time.   Now imagine you did this in more areas?   That's the power in prepping.   Check out my latest episode to hear more ways to utilize this power!