I know I need to do...
I know what the steps are...
I know what it takes to get there...
Do you have the "I know already" syndrome?
Mannnnn..it's easy to catch this one.
Because there is SO much info out there, getting the HOW is pretty simple.
Yet, you may still find yourself NOT executing on it even though you know what to do.
Why is that?
Because what isn't being addressed is your thoughts and feelings around those steps.
When you think about what it takes, certain feelings are creeping up and because you want to avoid them, you avoid what you KNOW you need to do.
So what the F do you do?
You have to address those feelings, my friend.
Until you do, you are going to continue saying, " i know BUT..."
You know I got an episode for you on this topic...let's address HOW to face those feelings!