How many of you think healthy food means bland?

  Not in my world!  

I grew up eating super flavorful, amazing food and as I got into the health world, it was not something I was willing to compromise on.  

The only issue was as I started to learn about different foods and how they affect your wellness, I noticed many of my favorite condiments, spice blends and sauces had to go.  

But thankfully, there are so many wonderful companies that had the same thought - good food doesn't have to be plain.  

Check out my latest episode where I explain what to look out for when buying spices and sauces, which ones are good to go AND grab my Ultimate Spice and Sauce Guide freebie!!!

Check on this Instagram account for examples of tricky food marketing: CheckDayDesign

Click here to grab my freebie: The Ultimate Sauce and Spice Guide