Previous Episode: Is Reading Fundamental?
Next Episode: No Time for Self Care?

Does the early bird get the worm?

Or are night owls more productive?

I used to wake up super early because I HAD to and even though I am super chipper in the morning when I didn't have to wake up early in the morning anymore, I started to test some things out...

What I found was that I actually do my best work from mid-morning to late afternoon and often get a burst of more brain energy around 7 pm.

But when I was waking up super early, I was missing those workflow times because I was TIRED

So I said screw it...and decided to listen to my body

What about you? Do you listen to your body or do you feel like you have to wake up super early to be productive?

It's what I explore in this episode. I discuss why many of us believe only the early bird gets the worm but why this may be actually hurting your production.

And I discuss chronotypes. Have you heard of those before? If so, what's your type???