Wow. So the chronic pain appeared out of nowhere again this morning. Knowing what I know after the miracle I experienced on Christmas Eve (ep 22 Ease + Miracles) I knew it was in the realms of possibility that I could go from being more or less unable to walk because of the excruciating pain shooting down the inside and back of my leg to being totally pain free and able to get on with my day within a few minutes. 


Which sounds crazy to my mind, even though I've experienced this twice now. But hey, this podcast is about my sharing my experience as a human being with you, so I need to get over that.


So what did I do? I recognised my heart wasn't at ease and ran through the questions I share in ep 38 Releasing Limiting Beliefs. And it worked. 


Here are the questions:


1. Why am I feeling this way?

2. Why do I want to be in pain? or Why am I holding on to this belief?

3. Who would I be if I let go of this belief? or Who would I be if I stopped wanting to feel this way?

4. What do I have to believe to let this go?


Credit to Mastin Kipp + Tony Robbins whose work is the inspiration behind me coming up with asking myself these questions.