This is the second episode of the Happily Ever After Again podcast! I am so excited to share this show with you. 

Have you ever gone through a period when you felt irrationally jealous and insecure? Did you find it was based on something in your past, rather than legitimate concerns about your current partner? If you have, you will l find this episode interesting. Trust is so important for building any kind of intimacy. When we have been been betrayed we often lose the ability to trust. Trust is important for everything we do in life, whether driving a car or buying food from the grocery store. 

In this second episode of the Happily Ever After Again podcast, we dive deep into the idea of trust in relationships. We explore how mistrust feels and how wonderful it feels when we do experience the emotion of trust.  Lack of trust is the number one obstacle to couples trying to find their "happily ever after again." According to the book, I Love But I Can't Trust You, 90% of couples have a "crisis of trust" sometime in their relationship. Mistrust can come from childhood events, from previous romantic events, from your spouse's romantic past, and from things that happened in your current relationship.  

A person who finds herself constantly dealing with mistrust may want to consider counselling. Journaling and prayer are also powerful tools for healing. In this episode, I share my story of mistrust and one simple strategy that helped me forward.  The strategy involves remembering who your spouse actually is, making a decision to trust, and writing it down. Then, you talk to your spouse about your commitment. I have a very useful handout for remembering the amazing qualities about your spouse included in the Happily Ever After Again Resource Package, which you can grab today. 

Mentioned in this episode: Eight Things I Like About You
My Book: Happily Ever After Again: Hope, Healing & Love for Second Marriages
Book Mentioned: I Love You But I Don't Trust You: The Complete Guide to Restoring Trust in Your Relationship
Bible Verse: Song of Solomon 8:6