As a company, our goal is to help you find career happiness. Today, I’m going to share a training we did on this very subject.


One other quick note, we're actually not going to be covering tons of tactics in particular today, and there's nothing wrong with tactics at all. Except, in order to make really great use out of tactics - like interview tactics or resume tips or things like that - you have to first know where you're going.


And that means that if you want career happiness, you have to identify the specifics of what you want before focusing on the tactics.


Today, I want to show you some examples of how it's happened for the 2000+ people that we've worked with. These are people that have worked at lots of organizations. We've helped them make transitions. So organizations that you've heard of, like the Googles and Amazons and eBay's of the world, but also many other organizations that you've never heard of. So let's jump into this training.