Tonight we decided to tell you some stories. Are they good stories? Probably not, but they entertained us! We talk about John walking through Seattle and getting scared by homeless people, Jackie's adventures in Scotland, John's road trip with his cousin. Kaylie tells you about a trip to Canada and forgetting to eat as well as why you shouldn't always trust your limo driver. Join us as we stumble down memory lane on some of our adventures! We also debut a brand new y2cl Radio logo for this episode! Don't forget, we will be at Jet City Comic Show on November 5th and 6th in Tacoma Washington! Come out and see us there! On the show: John Kaylie Jackie Links talked about in the show: Support what we do: Find us on Social media Got a question? Use the contact page OR hit us up on twitter @y2cl! To see pictures from tonights show, check out Music:

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