Previous Episode: Good Riddance!

The hottest topic ever to face intelligent beings - Who has the right to rule and who's rule is right? For centuries sovereign nations fought to be recognized by others as having authority to rule within their borders. Many if not all, seek to expand that right to rule by taking over other sovereign nations. The questions arises though, do they really have the right and is their way of ruling the right way for it's citizens. We shall examine this most crucial topic.

Mankind in general has reached out for dominance over others. The desire to rule others is old as mankind and older. Someone has to call the shots but who has the right and know how to accomplish such a daunting task. We have all witness history judging them as incompetent and cruel. Every form of government has been tried to no avail. When will humans and angels figure out which form of government is the right one for all mankind and by someone who has the right? What say you?