The worldwide spring migration of birds is a great time for to educate and inspire new birders, count migrating species, and come together to appreciate birds.  Each year, on the second Saturday in May eBird hosts the Global Big Day and Environment for the Americas hosts their World Migratory Bird Day to do just that. 

Listen in to find out more about these events and how you can participate!  Also, Hannah and Erik finally tracked down a nemesis bird, Erik has some minor surgery and shaves the beard.

Show notes
eBird Global Big Day
Pied-billed Grebe Abundance Map
World Migratory Bird Day
Bird day Live
Bird Day Live 2020

eBird hotspot
Coal Creek Trail, Evening Grosbeak List

Intro Bird Call:  Brown-headed Cowbird (Recorded May, 2020)
Outro Bird Call: Black-throated Gray Warbler (Recorded April 2020)

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