There are many ways to enjoy birding and sometimes it's fun to be a little bit competitive, especially when it helps with conservation.  We were excited to return to the Great Texas Birding Classic after skipping out in the last few years.  This time we gave a Sunrise to Noon in South Texas a try.

Main Story Begins at: 10:20

Show notes

Buy me a Coffee
Birding is the world Brazil
eBird Global Big Day
Guide to solar storms
Great Texas Birding Classic
La Playa Harlingen

eBird Trip Report   

Birds/Animals mentioned:
Buff-bellied Hummingbird: (listen to the song)

Intro Bird Call:  Northern Mockingbird (Recorded: Hidalgo Texas, April 2024)
Outro Bird Call: Plain Chachalaca (Recorded: Texas, April 2024)

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