Israel offers incredible birding and the Champions of the Flyway is a fun, unique way to experience much of what southern Israel has to offer.  Hannah and Erik take you through the rest of scouting and then the competition!  Did they win?  You'll have to listen in to find out!

*Correction: near the end Erik said Marbled Godwit was found by another team but missed by his team but Erik meant Bar-tailed Godwit was seen while his team was watching the Black-tailed Godwit

Main Story Begins at: 8:36

Show notes

Champions of the Flyway
Global Bird Fair
Biggest Week in American Birding
Sde Boker Field School
Ben Gurion's Tomb National Park

eBird Trip Report

Israel Trip Report (Not including the Champions of the Flyway Competition)
Champions of the Flyway (No Egrets)

Birds mentioned

Namaqua Dove
Pallid Swift

Intro Bird Call: Spur-winged Lapwing (Recorded April 3rd, 2022 Israel)
 Outro Bird Call: Pallid Swifts (Recorded April 6th, 2022 Israel)

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