Today on the show:-Michael Jordan is founding a new motorsports team with Bubba Wallace as his lead driver. Let’s discuss why this is important and why North American sports need more owners and executives of colour.-Sylvester Stallone’s mother, Jackie, has died.-Netflix has cancelled Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance but might still renew Bill Burr’s F […]

Today on the show:
-Michael Jordan is founding a new motorsports team with Bubba Wallace as his lead driver. Let’s discuss why this is important and why North American sports need more owners and executives of colour.
-Sylvester Stallone’s mother, Jackie, has died.
-Netflix has cancelled Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance but might still renew Bill Burr’s F Is For Family
-An Oklahoma driver used a creative excuse to try it get out of a speeding ticket. The cops thought her excuses were crap.

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Recommended Viewing: Oklahoma driver tries crappy excuse with cop