Today on the show:-Trump leaves the hospital. What a dumbass.-Will Toronto ever get a second NHL team? Maybe but I’ll tell you why the guy who keeps trying to make it happen, never will.-Plus, looking at ScreenRant’s list of top ten game shows and how goofy old Canadian game shows used to be. Two notes […]

Today on the show:
-Trump leaves the hospital. What a dumbass.
-Will Toronto ever get a second NHL team? Maybe but I’ll tell you why the guy who keeps trying to make it happen, never will.
-Plus, looking at ScreenRant’s list of top ten game shows and how goofy old Canadian game shows used to be.

Two notes about today’s Andrew Lopez rant: First, he wants to build a 30,000 seat arena, NOT a 100,000 seat stadium. Second, in 2009, Lopez involved pro hockey legend Herb Carnegie in his misguided campaign as an ambassador. The now-late Mr. Carnegie played for the Quebec Aces of the Quebec Senior League back in the 40s. The current version of Lopez’s scheme has, presumably, added the nickname “Aces” to honour him.

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Recommended Viewing: Andrew Lopez discusses his Toronto Legacy hockey project at IdeaCity in 2009