Welcome to a new week, kids! Today on the show, we’ve got AWOL baseball players. tv talk featuring the second season of the Umbrella Academy and the debut episode of Muppets Now, plus an ode to the genius of David Letterman. Plus, Tito Ortiz is running for public office, yet another racist dipsh*t trying to […]

Welcome to a new week, kids! Today on the show, we’ve got AWOL baseball players. tv talk featuring the second season of the Umbrella Academy and the debut episode of Muppets Now, plus an ode to the genius of David Letterman. Plus, Tito Ortiz is running for public office, yet another racist dipsh*t trying to paint over a Black Lives Matter street mural, and a former Marvel writer tells his story about being blocked from a Marvel-related project despite the company’s recent insistence that it is “committed to diversity”.

Starting Tuesday, everything in the Kingdom James store at Pro Wrestling Tees will be 20% off this week! Choose from FOUR amazing designs to offer: the Wrestlers Union logo, the Handsome Genius Club logo and both the Outlive Your Enemies and Value Parchment designs. Check out the store at prowrestlingtees.com/kingdomjames and use the code SUMMERTIME to receive your discount!

You can also show your support for Anthony and the Handsome Genius Club Radio Show via Patreon. For as little as $2 a month, you can help the show and get sneak previews and exclusive content from Anthony’s podcast, comic books and other projects. Join in now at patreon.com/MyNameIsKingdom.

Follow and connect with Anthony online:
WEBSITE: HandsomeGeniusClub.com
TWITTER: twitter.com/MyNameIsKingdom
INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/mynameiskingdom
YOUTUBE: youtube.com/mynameiskingdom
WRESTLERS UNION: wrestlersunion.ca

Recommended Viewing: Late Night with David Letterman 8th Anniversary Special

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