I sent out a late night Hail Mary of a message at about 1am. All it said was “Who’s awake? Let’s podcast!” A few minutes later, I had a response from my old college buddy Chris Mizzoni. Chris has had a 25+ year career in the animation industry and has written a pair of very […]

I sent out a late night Hail Mary of a message at about 1am. All it said was “Who’s awake? Let’s podcast!” A few minutes later, I had a response from my old college buddy Chris Mizzoni. Chris has had a 25+ year career in the animation industry and has written a pair of very excellent children’s books including his popular debut Clancy With The Puck. (A very Canadian take on Casey At The Bat, if I recall correctly.)

So listen as Anthony and Chris talk Canadian comedy troupes and Canadian sitcoms, The Simpsons, the problem with Apu, cultural appropriation and political correctness in television, hockey, hockey cards, Don Cherry, drinking too much and how to survive the coronavirus shutdown. (The answer is “alcohol”.)

Find Chris Mizzoni online:
TWITTER: https://twitter.com/NitzysHockeyDen
HOCKEY BLOG: https://nitzyshockeyden.blogspot.com/
CHRIS’ BOOKS ON AMAZON: https://www.amazon.ca/s?k=chris+mizzoni&i=stripbooks&ref=nb_sb_noss

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Follow and connect with Anthony online:
WEBSITE: HandsomeGeniusClub.com
TWITTER: twitter.com/MyNameIsKingdom
INSTAGRAM: instagram.com/mynameiskingdom
YOUTUBE: youtube.com/mynameiskingdom
WRESTLERS UNION: wrestlersunion.ca

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