One thing we hear a ton about in parenting is transitions - partly because they can be so draining and deafening!

This week Abigail and Elle are tackling transitions and what we can do to make them smoother.

Top Tools for Tackling Transitions

We're talking games and other connection tools you can use to help navigate your days in and out with less yelling and less tantrums.

And we look at what's going on for a child when we, as the parents, require a transition, and why they seem to have such BIG FEELINGS about them. Why do children have trouble putting the brakes on and changing gears?

If transitions bring on battles and tantrums in your house

Before an outing At dinnertime Before Bed

Or any other time, join Abigail and Elle for tools and tips that will help you decode your children's difficult behaviors and tackle transitions.

Resources to Help With Transitions

Here's your guide to playful parenting through any challenge 

Enjoy this chapter about the wonderful tool of Special Time from our book

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