Today Elle and Abigail are talking to New York Times bestselling author, neuro-biologist and family counselor Michael Gurian. We're talking boys, girls and their differences, and raising boys and girls so each thrives.

All over the world boys in schools are failing and girls are succeeding, why?

Why Boys Need Special Attention

On the podcast today, Michael sheds some light.

Known as "the people's philosopher," he breaks down the fascinating differences in how boys and girls brains process information, and what boys need more of in class.

Michael addresses the commonly distorted gender paradigms that we as a society have come to believe about what boys and girls need and shares practical strategies to set girls up to do better in STEM subjects and boys to excel in reading, writing and speaking.

We also take a look at how Michael's work with The Gurian Institue dovetails into Hand in Hand Parenting through playlistening, roughhousing and Staylistening.

On today's episode: The four elements of difference between males and females How boys and girls process information differently and why schools need to teach according to these brain differences to help both sexes Why schools need to move away from verbal-centered teaching towards styles that activate the brain's visual and spatial-kinesthetic centers Mother's raising boys: What male emotional intelligence looks like

Join us for a fascinating talk into raising our boys and girls to thrive.

More Tools and Support for Raising Our Children According to Science

You can read more about Michael and his work at and The Gurian Institute.

The two books mentioned in this podcast are Saving Our Sons: A New Path for Raising Healthy and Resilient Boys and The Minds of Girls: A New Path for Raising Healthy, Resilient, and Successful Women

You might also like to read the science behind the Hand in Hand Tool of Staylistening and if you'd like to find out about all of our five tools you can read our book Listen: Five Simple Tools to Meet Your Everyday Parenting Challenges or take the Hand in Hand Starter Class online or in-person with an instructor over 6 weeks.

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