How much attention does your child need?

Have you ever heard the phrase "You can't pour from an empty cup?" When we spend time with our children, do Special Time, listen and care for them, we naturally fill their cups with warmth and love. When a child has a full cup of your warmth and attention, they are less clingy. They are connected and confident.

Attention-seeking kids have "Leaky Cups"

Except for a child with a "leaky cup". These are the children that, no matter how much time, how much love and how much attention you seem to pour in STILL NEED MORE. Their cups are always leaky!

They want more of your love. More of your attention. Or else you'll know about it!

They need everything to go their way. They become rigid and controlling when it doesn't. They will whine, they will cry, they will throw themselves down on the floor in tears. They may become aggressive.

Pretty soon, life can become a riddle of trying to divide time between all you need to do, and all they need to feel good.

Exhausting? Yes.

Everlasting? No!

Tools for a Child Who Needs Lots of Attention

There are things you can do to love these kids just the way they need it, to teach them how to fill their own cups, and for you to have enough energy for your other kids, family members, and even, yourself.

If you have ever wondered:

How much attention is too much attention? How to help my child become more confident and resilient How to balance out my time and emotions in parenting or just screamed (silently or otherwise) "I can't give anymore!"

Join Abigail and Elle this week for some lively banter and good solutions for attention-seeking, leaky cup kids and their families.


More Tools for Attention-Needing Children (and stressed-out parents!)

Read more about kids and attention-seeking behaviors in When Your Kids Will Do Anything to Get Attention

You can find out more about the Listening Partnerships that Elle and Abigail mention here Building a Listening Partnership: Easing the Stress of Parenting

Keep Connected

We’d love to hear about the issues affecting you and your family. You can follow Hand in Hand on FacebookTwitterPinterest, and Instagram. Be sure to drop Elle and Abigail a message. If you are familiar with Hand in Hand Parenting and your children are 10 or  under join our Hand in Hand Parents Support Group on Facebook for daily support

You can contact Abigail Wald about parenting courses and consultations at

Sign up for our Monthly Newsletter 

How much attention does your child need?

Have you ever heard the phrase "You can't pour from an empty cup?" When we spend time with our children, do Special Time, listen and care for them, we naturally fill their cups with warmth and love. When a child has a full cup of your warmth and attention, they are less clingy. They are connected and confident.

Attention-seeking kids have "Leaky Cups"

Except for a child with a "leaky cup". These are the children that, no matter how much time, how much love and how much attention you seem to pour in STILL NEED MORE. Their cups are always leaky!

They want more of your love. More of your attention. Or else you'll know about it!

They need everything to go their way. They become rigid and controlling when it doesn't. They will whine, they will cry, they will throw themselves down on the floor in tears. They may become aggressive.

Pretty soon, life can become a riddle of trying to divide time between all you need to do, and all they need to feel good.

Exhausting? Yes.

Everlasting? No!

Tools for a Child Who Needs Lots of Attention

There are things you can do to love these kids just the way they need it, to teach them how to fill their own cups, and for you to have enough energy for your other kids, family members, and even, yourself.

If you have ever wondered:

How much attention is too much attention? How to help my child become more confident and resilient How to balance out my time and emotions in parenting or just screamed (silently or otherwise) "I can't give anymore!"

Join Abigail and Elle this week for some lively banter and good solutions for attention-seeking, leaky cup kids and their families.


More Tools for Attention-Needing Children (and stressed-out parents!)

Read more about kids and attention-seeking behaviors in When Your Kids Will Do Anything to Get Attention

You can find out more about the Listening Partnerships that Elle and Abigail mention here Building a Listening Partnership: Easing the Stress of Parenting

Keep Connected

We’d love to hear about the issues affecting you and your family. You can follow Hand in Hand on FacebookTwitterPinterest, and Instagram. Be sure to drop Elle and Abigail a message. If you are familiar with Hand in Hand Parenting and your children are 10 or  under join our Hand in Hand Parents Support Group on Facebook for daily support

You can contact Abigail Wald about parenting courses and consultations at

Sign up for our Monthly Newsletter 

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