... unless economics will always win out

We’re all about the Labour-Green’s proposals for an alternative model for the electricity market here. The UK Labour Party came up with something quite similar in mid-2013 which has put the cat amongst their pigeons. So for the next couple of months I’m talking to Graham Shuttleworth who is the office head for the economic consultancy NERA in London and one of the original authors of the UK Pool Rules – on which our own electricity market was based.

Last week, we looked at the UK’s move away from a spot market to a “trading paradigm” for electricity. This week, Graham reflects on how these New Electricity Trading Arrangements have performed: the industry’s response and the pricing outcomes they’ve delivered.

As with other podcasts, the opinions expressed in the interview are Graham's and do not necessarily represent the views of NERA Economic Consulting or any other NERA consultant. If you quote the podcast, you should attribute the reference to him personally rather than the firm.

This podcast was recorded in 2014