A while ago a couple of my listeners pointed out that nearly everyone I’ve interviewed on the podcast is a white middle-aged man.  It was a fair criticism and a bit of a reflection of the world I come from.  Turns out that we do have a bit of a problem with employment inequity in the sector though.

My podcast guest for the next series is Julie MacArthur who’s just returned to Canada from MZ as the Chair in Reimagining Capitalism at Royal Roads University in Victoria, British Columbia.  While at the University of Auckland, Julie published Mind the Gender Gap: Energy Employment Trends in Aotearoa New Zealand with Catherine Dyer. They’ve just completed a major study: Transition Inequity: Trends and Impacts of Gendered Employment in New Zealand’s Energy Industries – and Julie agreed to come onto the podcast to preview their results.

We start off with discussing where the research project started.