N.V.I.S. stands for Near Vertical Incidence Skywave. It is a propagation mode that allows for communication between stations at short to medium distances, typically between 0 to 300 miles. Ed Fong, WB6IQN, is an expert on N.V.I.S. propagation and shares his knowledge on the topic in this episode. He explains the theory behind N.V.I.S. and how it can be practically applied in everyday use as well as in emergency communication situations. In addition to discussing N.V.I.S., Ed also shares information about his popular J-Pole antennas, including Dual-Band roll-ups and Tri-Band verticals, which have helped many hams get on the air over the years.

You can find Eds' contact info here: Ed's Antennas

You can purchase his antennae here: antennas_iqn Ebay Store

Article from QST: ARRL /DBJ-1

John Miklor: Review

To Learn More about N.V.I.S check into some of the following articles:

Patricia Gibbons - WA6UBE WHAT IS NVIS?

Wikipedia - Near Vertical Incidence Skywave

DX Engineering - Practical Guide to Emer or Temp Comm (PDF)


Put up a low antenna KK7X0 - ARRL Link PDF

Thanks for listening and supporting the show

73 Y'all


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N.V.I.S. stands for Near Vertical Incidence Skywave. It is a propagation mode that allows for communication between stations at short to medium distances, typically between 0 to 300 miles. Ed Fong, WB6IQN, is an expert on N.V.I.S. propagation and shares his knowledge on the topic in this episode. He explains the theory behind N.V.I.S. and how it can be practically applied in everyday use as well as in emergency communication situations. In addition to discussing N.V.I.S., Ed also shares information about his popular J-Pole antennas, including Dual-Band roll-ups and Tri-Band verticals, which have helped many hams get on the air over the years.

You can find Eds’ contact info here: Ed’s Antennas

You can purchase his antennae here: antennas_iqn Ebay Store

Article from QST: ARRL /DBJ-1

John Miklor: Review

To Learn More about N.V.I.S check into some of the following articles:

Patricia Gibbons – WA6UBE WHAT IS NVIS?

Wikipedia – Near Vertical Incidence Skywave

DX Engineering – Practical Guide to Emer or Temp Comm (PDF)


Put up a low antenna KK7X0 – ARRL Link PDF

Thanks for listening and supporting the show

73 Y’all


Shop Amazon and Support the Show!

When You Click through our Amazon Affiliate Link, your pricing doesn’t change-but Amazon pays me a small percentage for getting you there!  It all adds up and helps fund the program! Thank you!

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