Congratulations!! If you're reading this then we made it to 2021 and hopefully past all the bullcrap and the nonsense that had us all down the last 2 years!!

Well lets "cut the crap" as us Dads like to say and show off only the finest in unknown rock this 3rd time around for another jaunt into my library and my headspace of vast musical knowledge of nuances and rock flair. (See Rock Ages 1 and 2) for more pure rock goodness!!

Rock is not meant to be nice nor are its fans forgiving when it comes to skills of the axe laden guitar string. Music is about showing off all your skills and musical weapons one possesses in their arsenal of experience and expertise.

I am Generation X. We learned to earn our keep and we perfected what modern music is today. Gen X is the best at music. We don't hand out participation trophies because we know the quality of talent that is out there. Once you've heard that then it makes no sense to settle for second best. It existed once at the top tier for many decades but that seemed to have been replaced with sub- standard expectations today.

You want on the Halshack?? You got to earn it! You earn it by creating something that catches my valuable well respected discerning ear! Millions of fans DOES NOT impress me, what you create does even if you only have a 100! I can spot quality years ahead!

I hope you enjoy my day of music for DAD to ROCK!!

Find everything Halshack at my website


24 hour radio station

Show is also on just about every major music platform! Go find all the back episodes. There's only about 80 different episodes to jam!! Even some country and rap!!

Thanks for becoming a fan!!