DADS ROCK 2 feat. CAVO (new song) Its June, Its FATHER'S DAY month and DADS love rock in all its forms plus DADS just plain rock at life (most of us 

In this episode you will hear from major rock band CAVO (former WB), BELOW 7 (Sony), MARQUIS of VAUDEVILLE (Dexter and Charmed) JR RICHARDS (former lead hit song Counting Blue Cars--DISHWALLA) plus Baltimore's #1 rock band CRASHING ATLAS (new Evanessence type band) also many other great bands!


Time for a story bio......... 
(I usually make these story bios off the cuff..lets see if I can work some magic

As Dads and as all people in general we sometimes find ourselves battling our own demons to be set free. Sometimes those battles can be lengthy and hard fought nights of depression and decay to the body spent enduring "100 Weeks in the Dark". In order to find your way to the light you may have to thrown down some "Kerosene" to fire up your path forward to a new life and possibly a new found love and support with feelings of bliss as you tread forward to that lovely emotional state of "Bliss Chemical". 

Be careful to not allow the negativity back in your life. As soon as things get better the "Wolves" come to tear apart everything that you love. Our younger "Millennial" friends, cousins, brothers and sisters,  have had a tougher time at life than we Xers have in some respects but hats off to them for managing to survive this cold yet web connected world. They still remember a time when we didn't type out our hand written "Letters to Penelope". 

We never know what the future may hold. "Where We're Standing Now" may not necessarily be the place you're supposed to be. You may have to get "a Little High and a Little Low" before you find where to plant your roots as have I and many of us have from all walks of life. Many of us have found a "White Light" at the end of the tunnel in love and relationships whether it be lovers, friends, or family but sometimes those lights come in the form of powder burns when their words sting like "Bullets". It may make you feel like you are not being validated and going "Unnoticed" for your contribution. Take a second to think about how you respond or what your next move is. The world can be a huge scary place when facing it alone with your "Lonely Bones".

This world is demanding, life is demanding, jobs are demanding, it can feel like its a bit too much and leaving us looking for some "Sanity in Madness" that is the state of today. In the end, life is what you make it. Go out there and conquer the world as I have so you can say look at "What I've Become" rather than "Falling" on your face so you will "Never Look Back" to your old life of negative mind state and hard times. This is a new world folks! I don't know what it means for us Xers and how we fit in but lets hear some great music and great bands while we bring you some "New Blood" to conquer the music industry!

Thanks for tuning in and rocking out! Find our show on all major music services including 
IHEART radio, ITUNES, APPLE podcasts, DEEZER, AMAZON MUSIC and many more!

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