Learn To See Something God In Your Effort
Our God, the maker of Heaven and Earth, always saw the good in every thing He created. The scripture said, "And God saw that it was Good"

You might not be through yet with what you intend to do, but always see the good aspect despite the uncompleted side of your work. Learn to always focus on what is good that you've done, not just the bad side. Listening to people to condemn your effort will not move you forward.

The easiest way to be discouraged is seeing the bad aspect of your effort or yourself. Celebrate the good job you've achieved and move on to the next step. At least, you are making progress. See what is good in what you are doing, it will motivate you to do more.

Your will to succeed is in you. So
*If you do not go after what you desire or what you dream of, it will only remain a dream or figment of imagination.
If you dont ask, the answer will always be NO.
If you don't take bold steps to move forward you will only remain in the same place and position.

Take a courageous step today and you will be amazed at the productive outcome and innovator in you.
Also give it a shot.nothing ventured is nothing gain.

I repeat nothing ventured is nothing gained.