Am reading from the holy bible
James 3:17 (new living translation).
But the wisdom from above is first of all pure. It is also peace loving, gentle at all times, and willing to yield to others. It is full of mercy and the fruit of good deeds. It shows no favoritism (not partial) and is always sincere (none hypocritical)
These are all embedded virtues( I call them seeds) of divine, heavenly wisdom.
These days you find craftiness, smartness of men dubiousness using man inspired wisdom or wisdom of the devil to manipulate things.
Gods plan for man is to exhibit pure, holy wisdom which leaves trails of peace.It does not built enmity but friendship,
We see this wisdom manifest in Solomon the king .Bible accounts of his wisdom so magnified around the world that sheba a queen of etiopia came all the way to hear him. Gods wisdom can be received.

Truth No. 1: God’s Wisdom Is Available to Every Believer

“For God does not show favoritism, he is not partial.” –Romans 2:11

2: You Simply Need to Ask for the Wisdom of God

Wisdom from on high will give you counsel of what to do, how to do and when to do.Do not be afraid to ask God for a bit of his wisdom for Bible says if any of you lacks wisdom he should ask the father who gives liberally.

3: God’s Word Is Full of His Wisdom.meditate on them

Truth No. 4: The Wisdom of God and the World’s Wisdom Are NOT the Same
Gods wisdom is pure while the world wisdom is plotted, dark, manipulative, evil and

Truth No. 5: The Enemy Will Try to Distract You From the Wisdom of God

Wisdom is the principal thing, and these five truths about it will help you navigate from the small to the big issues of everyday life. Remember, if you seek the wisdom of God—if you want to have it—then you can count on receiving it. God won’t withhold it from you. You simply need to ask Him for it. Then spend time in His Word, in prayer and listening to His Holy Spirit, understanding that His way may look different from the world’s. Then refuse to let the enemy distract or confuse you. The wisdom you need—God’s wisdom—is available to help you live successfully no matter what you face

I pray wisdom for excellence upon you this year.the grace and capacity to know what to do, when to do and how to do.Bible says I can do all things through Christ that strengthens me.i pray strength from God garnished with dynamic wisdom upon you.You are blessed and covered with the blood of Jesus.

Happy birthday and anniversary to all celebrants of today

Pls feel free to contact, text or chat me on whatsap on +234 08023319436 or
+234 08067013664
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