1 John 5:4,5
For whatever is born of God overcomes the world. And this is the victory that has overcome the world—our faith. (5) Who is he who overcomes the world, but he who believes that Jesus is the Son of God.

Child of God .jesus is the same yesterday today and forever.he sees and knows all about your struggles.There is nothing new under the sun.
You are designed mightily to withstand whatever life throws at you.
Everything thrown at you are only building blocks to make you what God wants you to be.Eagles don't get swallowed by storms they surf above all storms.NEVER GIVE UP ON YOUR DREAMS.NURTURE AND KEEP FAITH ,WITH TIME IT WILL HAPPEN.The fact that you haven't seen the expected result doesn't imply it's not working out.in it's time God will make all things beautiful.Your insults will become results
Your shame will turn to fame
Your disappointment will become great change for appointment.
Joseph's destination was prison but God reprogramed it for palace.
Esther was meant to remain as an orphan in house of modecai but God ochestrated the game to make her a replacement for Vashti the queen.
David went to bed as a shepherd and woke up a king.moses was a prince of Egypt but ended up a prophet of the most high God.daniel was a slave but ended a president .Your destiny is loaded with manifestations no man can stop.
You are a chosen of the lord
A royal priest
Holy nation
Peculiar person
Fearfully and wonderfully made
Apple of Gods eye
You are more than a conqueror.
Child of God remember you can not give up you must reach your goal.
To be happy in Jesus just trust and obey his word.

Say this after me
I can't not afford to fail.Jesus did not fail.i cannot fail.
My destiny can not be wasted.
I can not serve Jesus and end up in shame
I refuse to fail.i shall succeed
My God will not let me down
If he has promised me in his word.i will hold him to his word
God can not lie his word will surely come to pass.
I and over all my worries at the feet of Jesus today.
In the name of the father, the son and the holy spirit in Jesus name.

Child of God lift up your head and walk tall.in all audacity of faith be bold, be courageous, be expectant.keep faith for your tomorrow will be better than today.
Remember there are miracles everyday in Jesus name.

Happy birthday and anniversary to all celebrant I celebrate you today and declare you blessed and elevated in Jesus name

contact, or chat with me on whatsap on +234 08023319436 or
+234 08067013664
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