Every river has a source
Every product has a producer
Every thing in existence has a origin.
Every thing has a creator.
any river that forgets it's source is naturally going to dry up.
Every tree has it's root beneath the earth.the older the tree the stronger the roots.once the root is disconnected the tree dies.

Jesus made it clear in his teaching he is the vine and we are the branches.no branch can survive or exist without the vine which is it's source of survival.

Child of God at all time give glory and reverence to God
Never feel you can do without him.
For without jesus we can do nothing.for their is a way that seems right to a man but that way leads to destruction.

Bible tells us for his thoughts toward us are for good and not evil to give us expected end.
The creature can't know better than the creator.
The plans of God for everyone of us is for good.

Success and excellence are what God has planned for you and I. We don't need to carry burdens as branches when the vine is ever ready to handle such responsibilities.branches don't carry the tree , rather the tree carries burden of branches.branches feed from the root of the vine.

Let go of your worries, burdens, pressures.let jesus handle such for you.he has promised to take care of you.
When we disconnect from him it opens us up for destruction,trash and to be trodden upon by contrary forces.

Jesus is asking us to make his instruction which is his word your priority ,never to depart from his instruction.we must be obedient to God's instruction always.

As you launch out today make God's word your standard for living and remember you are a branch and he is our vine.