Once again I say happy new year it's Thursday the second day of year 2020

Our reading is Psalm 20:4,5
(Niv version)
May he give you the desire of your heart
    and make all your plans succeed.
May we shout for joy over your victory
    and lift up our banners in the name of our God.
! Hallelujah !

May the Lord grant all your requests in Jesus name.

Many have made new year resolutions, projections, aspirations and expectations.There is indeed desire to achieve but success requires divine support, your doggedness and some external push.

Child of God
The horse is prepared for the day of battle, but the victory belongs to the LORD.in all you will do this year seek God's help in directing you.let the Holy Spirit show you the way don't lean on your own understanding.year 2020 has double reward and you must make the best out of it.
plan to succeed as God will give you his support as long as you are his child.
This year have the following virtues if you want to have good success.
1. Good Character : your qualifications can take you anywhere but only a good character will sustain you.
2. be diligent in whatever you do .for diligence will take you before kings not mean men.
3. Be prayerful: for prayers clear out spiritual hindrances to your progress, give insight, revelations and gets help from above.
4. Think outside the box: don't be limited in thought and approach. be open to great ideas.
5. Make good friends this year :you can't do it alone. you need help and friends
6. Be humble: humility open doors arrogance makes enemies and shuts doors of opportunity
7. Be kind
8 help people whether you know them or not.
9. Be good to all
10.learn to make only positive confessions